Scientific programmeInvited plenary lectures:F. Battin-Leclerc (Nancy):What do we really know about the low temperature oxidation of alkanes? A.A. Konnov (Lund):Temperature and pressure dependence of the laminar burning velocities: experiments and modelling E. Mastorakos (Cambridge):Gas turbine combustor ignition: simulations and experiments H. Pitsch (Aachen):DNS and models for premixed turbulent combustion A. M. Starik (Moscow): |
3rd Topical Workshop: Testing combustion models with experimental data
The 1st Topical Workshop was held before ECM2011 and the 2nd Topical Workshop was organized before ECM2013. Although the COST Action CM901, which was the organizer of the previous two workshops, is over, following the tradition the 3rd Topical workshop will take place before ECM2015. For more details please visit the Web site of the workshop:
Lectures and posters
Plenary lectures
Poster session 1
Poster session 2
Poster session 3
Poster session 4
Poster session 5
Please cite the papers from the ECM 2015 as following:
Authors, Full title, Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting
– 2015, Paper Pn-nn, March 30–April 2, 2015, Budapest, Hungary,
ISBN 978-963-12-1257-0.
Plenary lectures
What do we Really Know about the Low-Temperature Oxidation of Alkanes
LRGP, CNRS-Nnancy, France
Gas turbine combustor ignition: experiments and simulations
Hopkinson Lab, Engineering Department, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
The temperature and pressure dependences of the laminar burning velocity:
experiments and modelling
Div. of Combustion Physics, Lund University, Sweden
A systematic approach for combustion models development
Heinz Pitsch ;
Philip Trisjono
Institute for Combustion Technology, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Kinetic processes in complex burning plasma
Central Institute of Aviation Motors, Moscow, Russian Federation
Poster session 1
Singularity analysis of non-isothermal reactions
Rudolf Csikja 1;
János Tóth 1
1 Department of Mathematical Analysis, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Energy gain at pyrolysis and combustion of acetylene
Alexander Emelianov 1;
Alexander Eremin 2;
Victor Golub 3;
Eugeny Gurentsov 1;
Vladimir Fortov 4
Lab. of Nonequilibrium Processes, Joint Institute for High
Temperatures Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation
2 Joint Institute for High Temperatures Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation
Physical Gasdynamics, Joint Institute for High Temperatures
Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation ;
4 Director, Joint Institute for High Temperatures Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation
ReSpecTh: a joint reaction kinetics, spectroscopy, and thermodynamics information system
Tamás Varga 1;
Tamás Turányi 1;
Eszter Czinki 1;
Tibor Furtenbacher 1;
Attila G. Császár 1
1 Institute of Chemistry, Eötvös University (ELTE), Hungary
Kinetic investigation of the reactions of 2,5-dimethylfuran and 2-methylfuran with hydroxyl radicals
Julia Eble 1;
Cornelie Bänsch 1;
Matthias Olzmann 1
1 Institute of Physical Chemistry, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Molecular resonance absorption spectroscopy of CF2 radicals at the pyrolysis of CF3H behind shock waves
Alexander Emelianov 1;
A. V. Drakon 1;
A.v. Eremin 1;
A.i. Yatsenko 1
1 Laboratory of Nonequilibrium Processes, Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS, Russian Federation
An experimental and theoretical study of the unimolecular dissociation of 1,3,5-trioxane at high temperatures
Awad B.S. Alquaity 1;
Binod Raj Giri 1; John M. H. Lo 2;
Aamir Farooq 1
1 Physical Science and Engineering, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
2 Department of Chemistry, University of Calgary, Canada
Investigations of the oxy-fuel coal char gasification reactions kinetics in the isothermal drop-tube furnace
Jaroslaw Hercog 1;
Bartosz Świątkowski 1
1 Thermal Processes Department, Institute of Power Engineering, Poland
Kinetics of the reaction of OH radicals with the biofuel molecule 2-methyltetrahydrofuran
Ádám Illés 1;
Mária Farkas 2;
Erzsébet Gombos 2;
Sándor Dóbé 2
Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Hungarian
Academy of Sciences Research Centre for Natural Sciences Research
Centre of Natural Sciences, Hungary ;
2 Institute of
Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of
Sciences Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungary
Ab Initio Study of the Reactions of OH Radical with 2,5-Dimethylfuran
Thanízia Ferraz-Santos 1
; Glauco F. Bauerfeldt 1
1 Chemistry Departament, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Update of key reactions in the low-temperature oxidation chemistry of dimethyl ether and analytic ignition delay times
Malte Döntgen 1;
J. Beeckmann 2;
K. Leonhard 1;
H. Pitsch 2;
S. J. Klippenstein 3
1 Chair of Technical Thermodynamics, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
2 Institute for Combustion Technology, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
3 Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, United States
Computational chemistry of cyclopentane low temperature oxidation
Mariam El Rachidi 1;
Judit Zádor 2;
S. Mani Sarathy 1
1 Clean Combustion Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technolgy, Saudi Arabia
2 Combustion Research Facility, Sandia National Laboratories, United States
Numerical and experimental study of the distribution of charged species in a flat stoichiometric premixed CH4/O2/Ar flame
Jie Han 1;
Awad B. S. Alquaity 1; Memdouh Belhi 1;
Aamir Farroq 1;
S. Mani Sarathy 1;
Fabrizio Bisetti 1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, King Abdullah University of
Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
Efficient method for the calculation of rate constants for reactions with unimolecular steps
Andrey Koksharov 1;
Chunkan Yu 1;
Viatcheslav Bykov 1;
Mark Pfeifle 2;
Ulrich Maas 1;
Matthias Olzmann 2
1 Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
2 Institute of Physical Chemistry, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Alexander Lebedev 1;
M. A. Deminsky 2;
M. I. Strelkova 2;
B. V. Potapkin 2;
T. J. Sommerer 3;
M. P. Boespflug 3;
G. A. Benett 3;
S. Saddoughi 3
1 Kintech Lab Ltd., Russian Federation
2 Kintech Lab Ltd., Russian Federation
3 GE Global Research, General Electric, United States
A comparative study of the kinetics and dynamics of the reaction of H atoms with ground-state and excited O2
Peter Szabó 1;
Gyorgy Lendvay 2
1 University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary
Institute for Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Research
Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Budapest, Hungary
Theoretical Investigation of Formaldehyde Reactions Initiated by OH Radicals
Gladson Machado 1 ; Glauco Favilla Bauerfeldt 1
1 Department of Chemistry, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Reduced dimensionality study of the reaction of methane with H atoms
Anna Vikár 1;
Tibor Nagy 1;
György Lendvay 1
Institute of Materals and Environmental Chemistry, Hungarian
Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for Natural Sciences,
versatile coupled progress variable / REDIM model for auto-ignition and
combustion: Parametrization, Coupling and Implementation Strategies.
Marc-Sebastian Benzinger 1;
Robert Schießl 1;
Maas Ulrich 1
1 Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technologie, Germany
Characterizing Ignition behavior through morphing to generic curves
Edward Blurock 1
1 Department of Computer Science, Malmö Högskola, Sweden
Effect of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on soot formation
Koki Era 1;
Kiminori Ono 1;
Yoshiya Matsukawa 1;
Aki Watanabe 1;
Kazuki Dewa 1;
Kaname Takahashi 1;
Yasuhiro Saito 1;
Yohsuke Matsushita 1;
Hideyuki Aoki 1;
Takayuki Aoki 2;
Togo Yamaguchi 2
1 Department of Chemical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan
2 Department of research and development, ASAHI CARBON CO., LTD., Japan
Using genetic algorithm for reduced chemical schemes optimization
Nicolas Jaouen 1;
Pascale Domingo 1;
Luc Vervisch 1
RCCE-reduced chemical mechanisms for surrogate aviation fuels
W P Jones 1;
Panayiotis Koniavitis 1;
S Rigopoulos 1
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
identification of the reactions that support or oppose the development
of explosive modes of the n-heptane/air autoignition
Dimitris Manias 1;
Efstathios Al. Tingas 1; Dimitris A. Goussis 1
1 Department of Mechanics, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Chemical kinetic modeling of 2-methylhexane combustion
Samah Mohamed 1;
S.m. Sarathy 1
Clean Combustion Research Center, King Abdullah University of
Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
Validation of an aqueous UAN alternative fuel combustion mechanism
Bar Mosevitzky 1;
Alon Grinberg Dana 2;
Gennady E. Shter 1;
Gideon S. Grader 1
1 The Wolfson Department of Chemical Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
2 Nancy and Stephen Grand Technion Energy Program, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Investigation of perturbed premixed flame structure using REDIM model reduction concept
Alexander Neagos 1;
Viatcheslav Bykov 1;
Ulrich Maas 1
1 Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
analysis of the thermal release of pyrene from commercial Carbon Black
nanoparticles using a distributed activation energy model
Michael Ströbele 1;
T. Häber 1; Henning Bockhorn 1
1 Engler-Bunte-Institute, Karlsruher Institute of Technology, Germany
ReactionKinetics: Recent developments and applications
János Tóth 1;
Attila L. Nagy 2;
Bálint Takács 3
1 Department of Mathematical Analysis, BudapestUniversity of Technology and Economics, Hungary
2 Department of Stochastics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
3 Department of Mathematical Analysis, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
of different approaches to determine the effect of uncertainties in
detailed chemistry on auto-ignition delay for air-hydrogen mixtures
Nicolas Dumont 1;
Ronan Vicquelin 2;
Olivier Gicquel 2
1 Ecole Centrale Paris, CNRS EM2C, France
2 Laboratoire EM2C, Ecole Centrale Paris, CNRS, France
Development of an ethanol combustion mechanism based on a hierarchical optimization approach
Carsten Olm 1;
Tamás Varga 1;
Éva Valkó 1;
Sandra Hartl 2;
Christian Hasse 2;
Tamás Turányi 1
1 Laboratory for Chemical Kinetics, Eötvös University (ELTE), Hungary
2 Chair of Numerical Thermo-Fluid Dynamics, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
Low temperature ignition properties of n-butanol: key uncertainties and constraints
Edirin Agbro 1;
M. Materego 1;
M. Lawes 1;
Alison Tomlin 1
1 Energy Research Institute, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Investigation of ethane pyrolysis and oxidation at high pressures using global optimization based on shock tube data
Viktor Samu 1;
Tamás Varga 1;
Tamás Turányi 1
1 Institute of Chemistry, Eötvös University (ELTE), Hungary
of the effect of correlated uncertain rate parameters on a model of
hydrogen combustion using a generalized HDMR method
Éva Valkó 1;
Alison S. Tomlin 2;
Tamás Varga 1;
Tamás Turányi 1
1 Institute of Chemistry, Eötvös University (ELTE), Hungary
2 School of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Ignition Delay Time Measurements of Primary Reference Fuel Blends
Mohammed Alabbad 1;
Tamour Javed 1;
Fethi Khaled 1;
Aamir Farooq 1
1 Clean Combustion Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
An experimental investigation of the effect of alkane fuel structure on reactivity demonstrated through the hexane isomers
Colin Banyon 1;
Kuiwen Zhang 1;
Henry J. Curran 1
1 Combustion Chemistry Centre, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
On losing of ignition inhibiting properties of haloalkanes at elevated temperatures
Alexander Drakon 1;
Alexander V. Eremin 2;
Ekaterina Yu. Mikheyeva 2
1 Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS, Russian Federation
2 Laboratory of Nonequilibrium Processes, Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS, Russian Federation
quantum cascade laser CO concentration measurements of fuel-rich CH4/O2
mixtures doped with dimethyl ether and n-heptane behind reflected shock
Bo Shu 1;
Jürgen Herzler 1;
Oliver Welz 1;
Mustapha Fikri 1;
Christof Schulz 1
1 IVG, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
High-pressure shock-tube study of the ignition of fuel-rich CH4/air and CH4/additive/air mixtures over a wide temperature range
Jürgen Herzler 1;
Mustapha Fikri 1;
Oliver Welz 1
1 IVG, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany
A high-pressure shock tube characterization and auto-ignition delay investigations
Hilal El Merhubi 1;
Alan Keromnes 1;
Benoîte Lefort 1;
Luis Le Moyne 1
1 DRIVE, University of Burgundy, France
Auto-ignition delay measurement for methane in a high pressure shock tube
Hilal El Merhubi 1;
Benoîte Lefort 1;
Alan Keromnes 1;
Luis Le Moyne 1
1 DRIVE, University of Burgundy, France
An experimental study of butene isomers and 1,3-butadiene ignition delay times at elevated pressures
Yang Li 1;
Eoin O’Connor 1;
Chong-Wen Zhou 1;
Henry Curran 1
1 Department of Chemistry, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Comparison of the activating effect of dimethyl ether and propene on the homogeneous partial oxidation of methane
Fikri Sen 1;
Tina Kasper 1;
Stefan Haferkamp 1;
Ulf Bergmann 1;
Burak Atakan 1
1 Faculty of Engineering, University of Duisburg Essen, Germany
Kinetic Modeling of Cyclohexane Oxidation including PAH Formation
Nadezda Slavinskaya 1;
Mehdi Abbasi 1;
Uwe Riedel 1
1 VT, CKI, DLR, Germany
Ignition delay measurements of iso-octane/ethanol blend fuel in a rapid compression machine
Hwasup Song 1;
Han Ho Song 1
1 Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, Republic Of Korea
The pyrolysis of ethanol: kinetic modeling of shock tube experiments
T. Methling 1;
T. Kathrotia 2;
M. Braun-Unkhoff 1;
U. Riedel 1;
J. Kiecherer 3;
M. Olzmann 3
1 Institute of Combustion Technology, DLR, Germany
2 Institute of Combustion Technology for Aerospace Engineering, Stuttgart University, Germany
3 Institute of Physical Chemistry, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Towards the understanding of 1-, 2-, and 3-pentanol oxidation at high temperatures
Trupti Kathrotia 1;
Marileen Fischer-Tammer 2;
Uwe Riedel 2
1 Institute of Combustion Technology for Aerospace Engineering, Germany
2 Institute of Combustion Technology, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
Comparative Investigation of Ethanol and Butanol Combustion Profiles in an Internal Combustion Engine
Gladson Machado 1;
Glauco Favilla Bauerfeldt 1
1 Department of Chemistry, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Experimental investigation of a long chain alkohol: 1-hexanol
Anne Rodriguez 1;
Olivier Herbinet 1;
Frédérique Battin-Leclerc 1
1 LRGP, CNRS-Nnancy, France
Kinetic modeling for the pyrolysis of biomass fuels derived from oil crops
Christos Tsekos 1;
Despina Vamvuka 2;
Stelios Sfakiotakis 2;
Chrysa Mihailof 1;
Angeliki Lemonidou 3;
Kyriakos Panopoulos 1;
Despina Pentari 2
1 Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Chemical Process and Energy Recourses Institute, Greece
2 Mineral Resources Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Greece
3 Department of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Modeling of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) formation during hydrocarbon pyrolysis
Tsilla Bensabath 1;
Hubert Monnier 2;
Catherine Champmartin 2;
Pierre-Alexandre Glaude 3
1 LRGP, CNRS, Université de Lorraine / INRS, France
2 Ingénierie des Procédés, INRS, France
3 Cinétique de combustion, LRGP, CNRS, Université de Lorraine, France
Oxidation of alkane-rich gasoline fuels and their surrogates in a motored engine
Vijai Shankar Bhavani Shankar 1;
Khalid Al-Qurashi 1;
Ahfaz Ahmed 1;
Nour Atef 1;
Suk Ho Chung 1;
William L. Roberts 1;
S. Mani Sarathy 1
1 Clean Combustion Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Plasma assisted cool flames in a rapid compression machine.
Mohamed Amine Boumehdi 1;
Sergey Shcherbanev 2;
S. Stepanyan 2; Pascale Desgroux 3;
Svetlana Starikovskaia 2;
Guillaume Vanhove 3
1 PC2A CNRS/Lille University, France
2 (CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, Sorbonne Universities,, Laboratory of Plasma Physics, France
3 PhysicoChimie des Processus de Combustion et de l’, PC2A , France
Investigation of the Thermochemical Parameter and Rate Coefficient
Assignments for the Low-Temperature Oxidation Pathways of Alkanes: A
Case Study using the Pentane Isomers
John Bugler 1;
Kieran P. Somers 1;
Emma J. Silke 1;
Henry J. Curran 1
1 Combustion Chemistry Centre, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
A rapid compression machine and kinetic modelling study of 2-butanone
Ultan Burke 1
; K. A. Heufer 1
1 Tailor-made fuels from biomass (TMFB), Physico Chemical Fundamentals of Combustion, Germany
Low-temperature combustion chemistry of isopentanol: Theoretical investigation
Harish Chakravarty 1;
Akira Matsugi 2
1 Theoretical chemistry, Max Planck Institute for chemistry, Germany
2 And technology, Tsukuba, Japan, National institute of advanced industrial science, Japan
the interactions between biomass organic components and alkali metal
ions affect pyrolysis liquid composition? A case study on Arundo donax.
Valentina Gargiulo 1;
Paola Giudicianni 2; Michela Alfè 1;
Mariarosaria De Joannon 1;
Raffaele Ragucci 1
1 Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione, CNR, Italy
2 Department
of chemical engineering, Material and Industrial production,
University Federico II Naples, Italy ;
Ignition of DME and DME/CH4 at High Pressure: Flow Reactor Experiments and Kinetic Modeling
Hamid Hashemi 1;
Jakob Munkholt Christensen 1;
Peter Glarborg 1
1 Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering , Technical University of Denmark (DTU) , Denmark
Interpreting Low-Temperature Shock Tube Ignition Delay Data
Tamour Javed 1;
Et-Touhami Es-Sebbar 1;
M. Jaasim 1;
J. Badra 2;
H.g. Im 1;
Aamir Farooq 1
Mechanical Engineering (Clean Combustion Research Center), King
Abullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia ;
2 Fuel Technology Division, R&DC, Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia
Reactive Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Hydrogen/Oxygen Adsorption and Dissociation on Pd/TiO2
Qian Mao 1;
Kai Luo 2
1 Center for Combustion Energy, Tsinghua University, China
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College London, United Kingdom
Plug Flow Reactor Set-up evaluation with methane decomposition at mild conditions and overpressure.
Jose Juan Rodriguez-Henriquez 1;
Lars Seidel 1;
Fabian Mauß 1
1 Thermodynamic and Thermal Process Engineering, Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany
Simulating the octane appetite of SI engines: the influence of chemical mechanisms
Kieran Patrick Somers 1;
Roger F. Cracknell 2;
Henry J. Curran 3
1 School of Chemistry, Combustion Chemistry Centre, Galway & Shell UK, Ireland
2 PTD/FRET, Shell Global Solutions, United Kingdom
3 School of Chemistry, Combustion Chemistry Centre, Galway, Ireland
Investigations of available experimental and modeling data on the oxidative coupling and partial oxidation of methane
Róbert Pálvölgyi 1;
Tamás Varga 1;
Tamás Turányi 1
1 Institute of Chemistry, Eötvös University, Hungary
A Rapid Compression-Expansion Machine: The experimental setup and first results with DME-air mixtures
Marc Werler 1;
Robert Schießl 1;
Ulrich Maas 1
1 Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
A high-temperature shock-tube study on the optical properties and pyrolysis of anisole
Siavash Zabeti 1;
Mohammad Aghsaee 1;
Mustapha Fikri 1;
Oliver Welz 1;
Christof Schulz 1
1 Institute for Combustion and Gas Dynamics – Reactive Fluids, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
A kinetic modeling study on the oxidation of five hexane isomers
Kuiwen Zhang 1;
Colin K. Banyon 1;
John J. Bugler 1;
Henrry J. Curran 1
1 Combustion Chemistry Center, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Analysis of numerical models for the formation of NOx for combustion of gases in the strong swirl flow
Przemyslaw Grzymislawski 1;
R. Slefarski 1; M. Golebiewski 1
1 Laboratory of Gas Technology, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Study of prompt NO formation during methyl esters combustion in low pressure premixed flames
Marame Diamb Sylla 1;
Laurent Gasnot 2; Nathalie Lamoureux 2
1 PC2A, France
2 UFR Chimie- University Lille1, PC2A, France
A parametric study on the sulfur species distribution within the cylinder of modern diesel engines
Markus Bösenhofer 1;
Franz Winter 1
1 Institute of Chemical Engineering, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
The oxidation of γ-valerolactone in a low pressure flame
Alena Sudholt 1;
Pierre-Alexandre Glaude 2; Frédérique Battin-Leclerc 2 ; Heinz Pitsch 1
1 Institute for Combustion Technology, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
2 Laboratoire Réaction et Génie des Procédés, CNRS, Université de Lorraine, ENSIC, France
Comparison of different chemical kinetics modeling codes
Stefanie Van Damme 1;
V. Dias 2; P. Bréquigny 1; H. Jeanmart 2; Francesco Contino 1
1 Mechanical Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
2 Institute of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering (iMMC), Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)
Poster session 2
Surrogate fuel formulation for light naphtha combustion in advanced combustion engines
Ahfaz Ahmed 1;
Muneeb Khurshid 1;
Nimal Naser 1;
Jihad Badra 2;
Pattrick Gaillard 2;
Sukho Chung 1;
William L. Roberts 1;
S. Mani Sarathy 1
1 Clean Combustion Research Center , King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
2 Fuel Technology Team, R & D Center, Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia
Evaluation of Repeatability of Rapid Compression Machine Under Selected Conditions
Wojciech Cieslik 1;
Ireneusz Pielecha 1;
Przemyslaw Borowski 1 ;
K. Wislocki 1
1 Institute of Combustion Engines and Transport, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Characterization of nozzle tip temperature of diesel injector in a dual fuel engine
Fabio Czarneski 1;
Stephan H. Och 2;
Luís M. Moura 2
1 PPGEM, PUCPR, Brazil
2 PPGEM, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná - PUCPR, Brazil
of diesel fuel and hydrogenated vegetable oil combustion in an optical
engine by means of simultaneous two-colour imaging and OH*
Plamen Dragomirov 1;
Joerg Sauerhering 1;
Jens Hadler 2;
Hermann Rottengruber 3;
Juergen Schmidt 1;
Frank Beyrau 1
1 Department of Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
2 Department of competence in automobility, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
3 Department of Mobile Systems, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
Syngas production in piston engines - operating conditions proposed by numerical optimization
Hendrik Gossler 1;
Olaf Deutschmann 1
1 Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
A Novel Injector Deposit Fuel Test Method: “ENIAK”
Hajo Hoffmann 1;
Winfried Koch 1;
Klaus Lucka 2
1 Fuels, OWI Oel-Waerme-Institut GmbH, Germany
2 CEO, OWI Oel-Waerme-Institut GmbH, Germany
Analysis of stress and temperature distribution of the outlet valve made of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V
Wojciech Moćko 1
1 Motor Transport Institute, Poland
LES analysis of super-knock in a downsized spark ignition engine.
Anthony Robert 1;
Karine Truffin 1;
Olivier Colin 1;
Christian Angelberger 1
1 Engine and Vehicle Modeling Department, IFP Energies nouvelles, France
high-speed imaging and laser-induced incandescence (LII) for
investigation of the sooting combustion of ethanol fuel blends in a
DISI engine
Michael Storch 1;
Anh Duc Nguyen 1;
Michael Wensing 1;
Stefan Will 1;
Lars Zigan 1
Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics (LTT),
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Germany
Particulate matter emissions from a heavy duty vehicle fuelled by petroleum diesel and used cooking oil blends.
Alison Tomlin 1;
Buland Dizayi 1;
Hu Li 1
1 Energy Research Institute, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
A comparative study on the effect of simulated EGR environment on spray characteristics under engine-like conditions
Christopher Hong 1;
Kumara G Ramaswamy 1;
Dimitris Touloupis 1;
Christos Keramiotis 1, 2;
George Vourliotakis 1,2;
Nikolaos Soulopoulos 1;
Maria A. Founti 2;
Epaminondas Mastorakos 3;
Yannis Hardalupas 1;
Alex M.k.p. Taylor 1
1 Thermofuids Division, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
2 School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
3 Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
A parametric investigation of HCCI operating conditions on engine performance characteristics using detailed kinetic simulations
George Vourliotakis 1;
Christos Keramiotis 2;
Zisis Malliotakis 2; Antonios Hatziapostolou 3;
Maria A. Founti 2
1 Mechanical Engineering Department, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
2 School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
3 Department of Energy Technology Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Greece
Experimental Study on Low Temperature and Diesel Conventional Combustion by Fueling Blends of RON70
Shuli Wang 1;
A.j.m. De (arjan) Visser 1;
L.m.t. (bart) Somers 1
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
of pilot injection timing on the two-stage combustion characteristics
of diesel fuel and n-heptane studied in a rapid compression machine
Thomas Werblinski 1,2 ;
Christian Schmid 1;
Lars Zigan 1,2
; Stefan Will 1,2 ;
1 LTT - Inst. of Engineering Thermodynamics, Univ Erlangen-Nürnberg , Germany
2 Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT), FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Impact of the Air to Fuel Jet Momentum Ratio on the NOx Emissions of a Hydrogen Combustion Chamber
Arianna Mastrodonato 1 ; Oliver Borm 1
1 Graz University of Technology, Austria
Effect of Exhaust Gas Dilution Rate on Formation of Flameless Combustion of Liquid Fuel
Chunloon Cha 1;
Hoyeon Lee 1; Pilhyong Lee 1; Sangsoon Hwang 1
1 Department of Mechanical System Engineering, Incheon National University, Republic Of Korea
Prediction of the combustor emissions using chemical reactors network.
Ivan V. Chechet 1;
Iuliia V. Krasovskaia 1;
S. V. Lukachev 1;
Sergey G. Matveev 1
Scientific Educational Center of Fluid Dynamic Researches, Samara
State Aerospace University, Russian Federation
Fuel-specific compact kinetic models for conventional and alternative aviation fuels
Francis M Haas 2;
Jeffrey Santner 2;
Sang Hee Won 2;
Frederick Dryer 2
; Stephen Dooley 1
1 University of Limerick, Ireland
2 Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, United States
Detailed Ignition Sequence Studied with a Fast Infrared Camera
Frédérick Marcotte 1; Eric Guyot 1;
Alain Dechamplain 2;
Joël Jean 2;
Alain Fossi 2 ; Sophie Ringuette 3
1 Telops France, France
2 Dep. of Mechanical Engineering, Combustion Lab., Université Laval, Canada
3 3Advanced Concepts Group, Defence Research and Development Canada - Valcartier, Canada
Numerical Study of Stabilizer Jets Effects on Combustion Characteristics in a Jet Stabilizer Combustor
Zeinivand Hamed 1
1 Department of Aerospace engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Islamic Republic Of Iran
Analysis of Spray Combustion in a Micro Turbine Combustor by using LES Modelling
Z. Yang 1;
M. Grote 1;
Roy Hermanns 2
1 Modelling, OWI Oel-Waerme-Institut GmbH, Germany
2 OWI Oel-Waerme-Institut GmbH, Germany
Flow dynamics in turbulent stratified lean-premixed flames under acoustic velocity forcing
M. Mustafa Kamal 1;
Simone Hochgreb 1
1 Engineering, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Combustion Instability Modelling Using Different Flame Models
Somayeh Nosrati Shoar 1
; Abbas Fakhrtabatabaei 1
1 R&D, MAPNA Turbine Engineering and Manufacturing Company (TUGA), Islamic Republic Of Iran
Effect of turbulence and temperature fluctuations on
syngas auto-ignition
Pinaki Pal 1;
Hong G. Im 2;
Margaret S. Wooldridge 1;
Andrew B. Mansfield 1
1 Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, United States
2 Clean Combustion Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
An alternate approach for processing data on nonlinear flame-acoustic interaction
Anna Sailor 1;
Aditya Saurabh 2;
Lipika Kabiraj 2;
Nader Karimi 3;
Epaminondas Mastorakos 4;
Ann Dowling 4;
Christian Oliver Paschereit 2
1 University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States
2 Chair of Fluid Dynamics, Technische Universitaet, Berlin, Germany
3 School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
4 Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Experiments on the effect of noise on a model thermoacoustic system at its stability boundary
Richard Steinert 1;
Lipika Kabiraj 1;
Aditya Saurabh 1;
Christian Oliver Paschereit 1
1 ISTA, Chair of Fluid Dynamics, Germany
Transfer function measurements for a transversally forced swirl flame
Aditya Saurabh 1;
Christian Oliver Paschereit 1
1 ISTA, Chair of Fluid Dynamics, Germany
Prediction of Spark Ignition Performance in an Industrial Gas Turbine Combustor
Mohammad Ali Soroudi 1;
Ehsan Mollahasanzadeh 1;
Nasser Rasooli 1
1 Combustion Chamber Group, Turbotec Company, Islamic Republic Of Iran
Chemical kinetic modeling of JET A combustion in a turbojet combustor - CFD simulation and experimental studies
Tomasz Suchocki 1;
Piotr Lampart 1
1 Turbine Department, The Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Entrainment rate and mixing process in a confined reverse flow reactor
Emilien Varea 1,2 ;
Lukas Berger 2;
Stephan Kruse 2;
Heinz Pitsch 2
1 Combustion and Turbulence Research Department, CORIA, France
2 Combustion Research, ITV RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Investigation of Thermo-acoustic Oscillations in a Trapped Vortex Model Combustor
Pradip Xavier 1;
Alexis Vandel 1;
Gilles Godard 1;
Bruno Renou 1;
Gilles Cabot 1;
Frédéric Grisch 1; Mourad A Boukhalfa 1;
Michel Cazalens 2
1 Department of Reactive flow, CNRS-CORIA research lab, France
2 R&T, SAFRAN , France
Effect of combustion on swirled flow structure after an industrial burner
Ivan Zubrilin 1;
Sergey Yu. Mishenkov 1;
Aleksey A. Didenko 1;
Sergey G. Matveev 1
Scientific and Educational Center of Fluid Dynamic Research,
Samara State Aerospace University, Russian Federation
Ignition of sprays from impinging jets of green propellants: ethyl alcohol and hydrogen peroxide
Clément Indiana 1;
Bastien Boust 1;
Marc Bellenoue 1
Fluids Thermics and Combustion Department, Institut PPRIME,
CNRS/ISAE-ENSMA/Université de Poitiers, France
Experimental validation and study of a new high performance hybrid propellant combination
Manu Naduvil Mannazhi 1;
Arjun Bindu Jyothikumar 1;
Gaurav Marothiya 1;
Ramakrishna P.a 1
1 Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
Simulation of detonation in particulate systems with applications to pulse detonation engines
Pavel Bulat 1;
Konstantin Volkov 2
1 Gas Dynamics Laboratory, St Petersburg National Research University of Mech, Russian Federation
2 Centre for Fire and Explosion Studies, Kingston University, United Kingdom
PIV measurements of flow field in a partially premixed bluff body burner
Marcin Dutka 1;
Mario Ditaranto 2;
Terese Løvås 1
1 Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
2 Energy Research, SINTEF, Norway
Investigations on the use of biogas for glass melting
Jörg Leicher 1;
Anne Giese 1;
K. Görner 1; Bernhard Fleischmann 2;
Hartmut Wuthnow 3
1 Industrial Combustion Technology, Gas- und Wärme-Institut Essen e.V., Germany
2 Glass Technology, HVG e.V., Germany
3 Refractory Materials, Forschungsgemeinschaft Feuerfest e.V., Germany
Large Eddy Simulation of Co-Firing of Biomass with Coal in a Large-Scale Furnace
Miriam Rabacal 1;
Mario Costa 1;
Andreas Kempf 2
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Beta-PDF numerical modeling of swirling flames
Maite P. Santos 1;
José R. Perez 1;
Javier M. Zamora 1;
Miguel A. Rodriguez 1
1 University of Valladolid, Spain
Experimental investigation of a concept for scale free reheating of semi-finished metal products
Christian Schwotzer 1;
Matthias Schnitzler 1;
Herbert Pfeifer 1;
Helen Ackermann 2;
Klaus Lucka 2
1 Dept. for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
2 High Temperature Engineering, OWI Oel-Waerme-Institut GmbH, Germany
Development of the Low NOx Two-Staged Tubular Flame Burner with Intercooling under Near Stoichiometric Conditions
Yosuke Shiraga 1;
Tsukasa Hori 2;
Jun Hayashi 2;
Akeshi Kegasa 2;
Fumiteru Akamatsu 2
1 Energy Technology Laboratories, OSAKA GAS CO., LTD., Japan
2 Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan
Development of sulfur-tolerant ATR catalysts for portable auxiliary low-power units
Dimitrios Zarvalis 1;
George Skevis 1;
George Karagiannakis 1;
Alexandra Zygogianni 1;
Souzanna Lorentzou 1;
Athanasios G. Konstandopoulos 1
Aerosol & Particle Technology Laboratory (APTL), Chemical
Process & Energy Resources Institute/Centre for Research &
Technology Hellas (CPERI/CERTH), Greece
Extension of the limitations of use of flameless oxidation for small burner capacities
Sajoscha Blinn 1;
F. Scheck 1; Matthias Schnitzler 1;
Herbert Pfeifer 1;
Enrico Cresci 2 ; Joachim G. Wünning 2
1 Dept. for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
2 Research and Development, WS Wärmeprozesstechnik GmbH, Germany
Thermal behavior and gaseous emission analysis during combustion of some coal samples using TG-MS-FTIR
Weng Jun-Jie 1;
Pan Guan-Fu 1;
Xia Hong-De 1;
Zhen-Yu Tian 1
1 Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Dynamics and Responses of Small Diffusion Flames Under Low Frequency AC Electric Fields
Yuan Xiong 1;
Minsuk Cha 1;
Sukho Chung 1
1 CCRC, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
Numerical and experimental investigation of early iron particle formation in Fe(CO)5 doped premixed H2/O2/Ar flames at low pressure
Lei Deng 1;
Sebastian Kluge 2;
Nejra Sikalo 1;
Olaf Hasemann 1;
Hartmut Wiggers 2;
Christof Schulz 2;
Andreas Kempf 1;
Irenaeus Wlokas 1
1 Fluid Dynamics, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
2 Reactive Fluids, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
A Polygeneration Process Concept for Methane fueled HCCI-Piston Engines
Modeling of syngas cleanup and exergy losses
Robert Hegner 1;
Burak Atakan 1
1 Mechanical Engineering - Thermodynamics, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Synthesis of carbon nanotubes on catalysts prepared by solution combustion on glass-fibers
Zulkhair A Mansurov 1,2; Gaukhar T Smagulova 1,2; Nurkadir B Mansurov 3;
B.T. Lesbayev 1,2; Nikolay G Prikhodko 1;
Anatoly V Mironenko 1;
Anvar A Zahidov 4
1 Synthesis of hydrocarbon materials in flame, Institute of Combustion Problems, Kazakhstan
2 Al - Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty, Ave. al - Farabi, 71
3 RSPMSBS, Institute of Combustion Problems, Kazakhstan
4 NanoTech Institute, University of Texas at Dallas, United States
Synthesis of single and few layer graphenes in flames
Zulkhair Mansurov 1;
Nikolay G Prikhodko 1;
Moldir Auyelkhankyzy 1;
Bakhytzhan T Lesbayev 1;
Meruyert Nazhipkyzy 1
1 Synthesis of hydrocarbon materials in flame, Institute of Combustion Problems, Kazakhstan
Approach to standardize a spray-flame nanoparticle synthesis burner
Jan Menser 1;
Sebastian Kluge 1;
Hartmut Wiggers 1;
Thomas Dreier 1;
Christof Schulz 1
1 Institute for Combustion and Gasdynamics - Reactive Fluids, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Improvement of the numerical framework for selective catalytic reduction applications
Jakov Baleta 1;
Milan Vujanović 2;
Neven Duić 2;
Klaus Pachler 3;
David Schellander 3
1 University of Zagreb, Croatia
2 FMENA, University of Zagreb, Croatia
3 AST, AVL List GmbH, Austria
A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Orientated Combustion Property Regression
Stephen Dooley 1;
Frederick Dryer 2;
Sang Hee Won 2
1 University of Limerick, Ireland
2 Mechanical and Aerosapce Engineering, Princeton University, United States
Microwave stimulated combustion investigated by laser diagnostics and chemical kinetics
Andreas Ehn 1; Tomas Hurtig 2;
Per Petersson 1; Niklas Zettervall 2;
Bo Zhou 1;
J. Zhu 1;
Zhongshan Li 1; Marcus Aldén 1;
Christer Fureby 2
; Anders Larsson 2;
Jenny Larfeldt 3
1 Physics Department, Lund University, Sweden
2 Defense & Security Systems and Technology, Swedish Defense Research Agency – FOI, Sweden
3 Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB, SIEMENS, Sweden
Oxidation and combustion characteristics of 2-methylhexane in a micro flow reactor with a controlled temperature profile
Muneeb Khurshid 1;
Bok Lee 1;
Hisashi Nakamura 2;
Gokop Goteng 1;
Kaoru Maruta 2;
Mani Sarathy 1
1 Clean Combustion Research Center, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
2 Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, Japan
Experimental investigation of MILD/Flameless Combustion in a lab-scale cyclonic burner
Giancarlo Sorrentino 1;
Pino Sabia 2;
Mara De Joannon 2;
Antonio Cavaliere 1;
Raffaele Ragucci 2
1 DICMAPI, Università Federico II di Napoli, Italy
2 Istituto di ricerche sulla combustione, CNR, Italy
Effects of gliding arc discharge penetrating a premixed flame
Jiajian Zhu 1;
Andreas Ehn 1;
Jinlong Gao 1;
Marcus Aldén 1;
Zhongshan Li 1; Tomas Hurtig 2;
Anders Larsson 2; Yukihiro Kusano 3
1 Division of Combustion Physics, Lund University, Sweden
2 Swedish Defence Research Agency, Swedish Defence Research Agency, Sweden
3 Department of Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
integrated methodology towards a comparison of conventional combustion
technology with microwave technology in energy intensive firing
Corina Dorn 1;
Dimitrios Giannopoulos 2;
Ralph Behrend 1;
Volker Uhlig 1; Maria Founti 2;
Dimosthenis Trimis 3
1 Institute of Thermal Engineering, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
2 School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
3 Engler-Bunte-Institute, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
CFD modelling of Diesel spray and combustion using homogenous gas phase reactions within the Euler-Eulerian framework
Zvonimir Petranović 1;
Wilfried Edelbauer 2;
Milan Vujanović 1;
Neven Duić 1
1 Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, University of Zagreb, Croatia
2 AST, AVL List GMBH, Austria
Characterization and SNajafabadiensitivity Analysis of Post-Compression
Temperature Non-Uniformity in a Twin-Piston Rapid Compression Machine
Sajjad Yousefian Najafabadi 1;
Henry J. Curran 2;
Colin Banyon 2;
Francois Gauthier 1;
Amadeo Moran-Guerrero 1;
Robert R. Richardson 1;
Nathan Quinlan 1;
Rory F. D. Monaghan 1
1 Mechanical Engineering Department, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
2 Combustion Chemistry Centre, National University of Ireland, Ireland
Poster session 3
NH2 detection in fuel-nitrogen combustion using an Alexandrite laser
Christian Brackmann 1;
Bo Zhou 1;
Zhongshan Li 1;
Marcus Aldén 1
1 Division of Combustion Physics, Lund University, Sweden
Quantitative effects of soot annealing on particle sizing with LII modeling
Emre Cenker 1;
Joel Lisanti 1;
William L. Roberts 1
1 Clean Combustion Research Center, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
Soot formation in Partially Premixed Flames over a Wide Range of Premixedness
Aritra Chakraborty 1;
Vinoth Kumar A. 1;
Muruganandam T.M. 1;
Satyanarayanan R. Chakravarthy 1
1 Aerospace Engineering, I.I.T. Madras, India
Investigations of BAM:Eu as a tracer material for Thermographic Particle Image Velocimetry
Benoit Fond 1;
Christopher Abram 1;
Frank Beyrau 2
1 Mechanical Engineering , Imperial College London, United Kingdom
2 Lehrstuhl für Technische Thermodynamik, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Germany
Simultaneous Mie/OH-PLIF Imaging of the Reaction Zone of Pulverized Coal Combustion in O2/N2 and O2/CO2
Saravanan Balusamy 1;
M. Mustafa Kamal 1;
Simone Hochgreb 1
1 Engineering, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
measurement of plasma-assisted flames: comparison between optical
emission spectroscopy and 2-color laser induced fluorescence techniques
Deanna A. Lacoste 1;
Sylvain A. Heitz 2;
Jonas P. Moeck 3
1 CCRC, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
2 Laboratoire EM2C CNRS, Ecole Centrale Paris, France
3 ISTA, TU Berlin, Germany
Comprehensive Laser-induced Incandescence (LII) modeling for soot particle sizing
Joel Lisanti 1;
Emre Cenker 1;
William Roberts 1
1 Clean Combustion Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
of a numerical model of oxy-fuel combustion in laminar and turbulent
jet flames by direct prediction of experimental quantities
Meor Mohd Faisal Meor Zulkifli 1;
Franziska Hunger 2;
Christian Hasse 2;
Frank Beyrau 1
; Benjamin A.O. Williams 1
1 Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
2 Chair of Numerical Thermo-Fluid Dynamics, Technische Universitat Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
Correlation characteristics of laser-induced soot incandescence and flame luminosity in Diesel spray combustion
Alessandro Montanaro 1;
Luigi Allocca 1;
A. Zhang 2 ; S.-Y
Lee 2
1 National Research Council , Istituto Motori, Italy
2 Michigan Tech University, United States
Spectroscopic studies of carbon monoxide: application for detection in flames
Olivier Carrivain 1;
Mikael Orain 1; Nelly Dorval 1;
Celine Morin 2;
Guillaume Legros 3
1 Department of Physics and Instrumentation, ONERA, France
2 TEMPO, UVHC, France
3 IJLRDA, UPMC, France
Rainbow Technique to Characterize the Evaporation at Ambient
Temperature and Evaporation in a Flame of Monodispersed Droplets
Jantarat Promvongsa 1;
Yingchun Wu 2;
Gerard Grehan 2;
Sawitree Saengkaew 2;
Bundit Fungtammasan 3;
Pumyos Vallikul 4
1 CNRS UMR 6614-CORIA, France
2 CORIA, CNRS UMR 6614, France
Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment, King Mongkut’s
University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand ;
4 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Tech. North Bangkok, Thailand
In-situ combustion sensor for methane and acetylene using mid-infrared absorption of a quantum cascade laser
Muhammad Bilal Sajid 1;
Tamour Javed 1;
Aamir Farooq 1
Clean Combustion Research Center, King Abdullah University of
Science & Technology, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
PIV measurements of the velocity distribution in an impinging turbulent swirl flame
Matthias Schnitzler 1;
Maren Blankenstein 1;
Herbert Pfeifer 1
1 Dept. for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
spatial resolution and sensitivity laser cavity extinction measurements
of soot volume fraction in nitrogen diluted methane flames
Bo Tian 1;
Yi Gao 1;
Simone Hochgreb 1
1 Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Oxy-fuel combustion analysis in an industry relevant furnace via vibrational CARS thermometry
Johannes W. Tröger 1;
Thomas Seeger 1
1 Technical Thermodynamics, University of Siegen, Germany
Broadband Laser Absorption Spectroscopy for spatially resolved
Methane Measurements in Combustion Environments
Niels G. Blume 1;
Volker Ebert 2;
Andreas Dreizler 3;
Steven Wagner 1
1 High Temperature Process Diagnostics, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Analytics and Thermodynamic State Behaviour of Gas,
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Braunschweig, Germany
3 Reactive Flows and Diagnostics, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
3D measurement of burning coal particle field with digital holography
Yingchun Wu 1;
Xuecheng Wu 2;
Gerard Grehan 3;
Kefa Cen 2
1 CNRS UMR 6614/CORIA, France
2 Department of energy, Zhejiang University, State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, China
3 CORIA, CNRS UMR 6614/CORIA, France
High-precision flow temperature imaging using ZnO thermographic phosphor tracer particles
Christopher Abram 1;
Benoit Fond 1;
Frank Beyrau 2
1 Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
2 Lehrstuhl für Technische Thermodynamik, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Germany
Fiber Laser Intracavity Absorption Spectroscopy
measurements of combustion product concentration and temperature
Fomin Alexey 1;
Zavlev Tatiana 1;
Tsionsky Vladimir 1;
Rahinov Igor 2;
Sergey Cheskis 1
1 School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, Israel
2 Department of Natural Sceinces, The Open University of Israel, Israel
Optical heat flux and temperature measurements on a 100 kW oxy-fuel combustor
Teri Draper 1;
Pál Tóth 2;
Terry Ring 1; Eric Eddings 1
1 Chemical Engineering, University of Utah, United States
2 Department of Combustion and Thermal Energy, University of Miskolc, Hungary
Comparison and investigation of selected aromatic and ketone fluorescent tracers considering possible self-quenching effects
Daniel Fuhrmann 1;
Thorsten Benzler 1;
Mareen Wellner 1;
Sebastian A. Kaiser 1;
T. Dreier 1;
C. Schulz 1
1 Institute for Combustion and Gas Dynamics , University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
of flame-front visualization in internal combustion engines using
different imaging systems via endoscopic and full optical access
Martin Goschütz 1; Syahar Shawal 1;
Martin Schild 1;
Christof Schulz 1;
Sebastian A. Kaiser 1
1 Institute for Combustion and Gasdynamics, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Measurement of low concentrations of acetylene at 730 cm-1 (13.7 um) by direct absorption spectroscopy
Utsav Kc 1;
Ehson Nasir 1;
Aamir Farooq 1
1 Clean Combusiton Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Multi-pulse RGB illumination and detection for Particle Tracking Velocimetry
Jan Menser 1;
Thomas Dreier 1;
Sebastian Kaiser 1;
Christof Schulz 1
1 Institute for Combustion and Gasdynamics - Reactive Fluids, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Application of camera based methods for study of oxygen enriched premixed ethylene/air flames
Yngve Ögren 1;
Alexey Sepman 2;
Henrik Wiinikka 2
1 Energy technology Centre, Sweden
2 Energy Technology Centre, Sweden
and commissioning of a chemiluminescence imaging system for an
optically-accessible high-pressure generic swirl burner
Jon Runyon 1;
Richard Marsh 2;
Yura Sevcenco 2;
Daniel Pugh 2;
Steve Morris 2
1 Cardiff University Gas Turbine Research Centre, United Kingdom
2 School of Engineering, Cardiff University Gas Turbine Research Centre, United Kingdom
Development of TDLAS sensor for diagnostics of the key parameters in pilot-scale gasification process.
Alexey Sepman 1;
Yngve Örgen 2;
Marcus Gullberg 2;
Henrik Wiinikka 2
1 Energy Technology Centre, Sweden
2 Energy Technology Centre, Sweden
Averaged Centerline Soot Particle Size Distribution in a Turbulent
Diffusion Flame using a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer
Snehaunshu Chowdhury 1;
Wesley R. Boyette 1;
William L. Roberts 1
1 Clean Combustion Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
of molecular beam sampling and laser-based techniques for studies of
flame-assisted material synthesis: the case of Iron Oxide
Marina Poliak 1;
Alexey Fomin 1;
Vladimir Tsionsky 1;
Sergey Cheskis 1;
Irenaeus Wlokas 2;
Igor Rahinov 3
1 School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, Israel
2 Institute for Combustion and Gasdynamics, University of Duisburg Essen, Germany
3 Department of Natural Sciences, Chemistry Division, The Open University of Israel, Israel
1D single-shot spontaneous Raman scattering for temperature
and multi-species measurements in flame.
Comparison of back-illuminated CCD with BI-EMCCD and ICCD cameras
Hassan Ajrouche 1;
Amath Lo 1;
Pierre Vervisch 1;
Abou Ba 1;
Armelle Cessou 1
1 Department of Reactive Flows , CORIA UMR 6614 CNRS, France
Simultaneous High-Speed Tomography and Schlieren Measurements of Spherically Expanding Methane/Air Flames
Joachim Beeckmann 1;
Emilien Varea 2;
Bruno Renou 2;
Heinz Pitsch 1
1 Institute for Combustion Technology , RWTH Aachen University, Germany
2 CNRS UMR 6614 - CORIA , Université de Rouen, France
Propagation Behaviors of Premixed Flames of R134a/CH4/O2/N2 Mixtures
Byung Chul Choi 1;
June Sung Park 2 Jae Ha Baek 1
1 Ship·Plant Technology Center, Korean Register of Shipping, Republic Of Korea
2 Machinery Equipment Research Team, Korean Register of Shipping, Republic Of Korea
Measurements of the laminar Burning Velocity of ethanol-water-air mixtures
Richard Haas-Wittmüß 1 ; Roy Hermanns 1;
1 OWI Oel-Waerme-Institut GmbH, Germany
Effects of residual combustion gases at Elevated Pressures on Laminar Burning Velocities for Gasoline and Gasoline Surrogate
Ossama Mannaa 1 ; M. S. Mansour 1,2 ; 1, 2*, W. L. Roberts 1 ; S. H. Chung 1
1 Mechanical Engineering Department, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt
Trends in laminar burning velocities of C2-C7 esters
Elna Nilsson 1;
Alexander A. Konnov 1
1 Combustion Physics, Lund University, Sweden
The laminar burning velocity of iso-octane, ethanol and iso-butanol using the Heat Flux burner and the closed combustion vessel
Florian Rau 1;
Bertram Schoen 1;
Sandra Hartl 2;
Stefan Voss 1;
Christian Hasse 2;
Dimosthenis Trimis 3
1 Institute of Thermal Engineering, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
2 Chair of Numerical Thermo Dynamics, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
3 Engler-Bunte-Institute, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Temperature dependency of the laminar burning velocity of fuel-rich methane oxygen measurements
Matthias Martin Sentko 1;
Christof Weis 1;
Stefan Harth 1;
Peter Habisreuther 1;
Nikolaos Zarzalis 1;
Dimosthenis Trimis 1
Engler-Bunte-Institute, Division of Combustion Technology,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
New methodology for the experimental determination of the consumption speed in spherical vessels
Alexandre Lefebvre 1;
Hakim Larabi 1;
Vincent Moureau 1;
Vincent Modica 1;
Emilien Varea 1;
Bruno Renou 1
1 Combustion and Turbulence Research Department, CORIA, France
A comparative study of laminar burning velocities of methane, methanol and ethanol investigated using the Heat Flux method
Stefan Voss 1;
Florian Rau 1;
V.a. Alekseev 2;
Alexander A. Konnov 3;
R. Haas-Wittmüß 4;
Roy T.e. Hermanns 4;
E. Volkov 5;
L.p.h. De Goey 5
1 Institute of Thermal Engineering, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
2 Division of Combustion Physics, Lund University / Dept. of Physics , Sweden
3 Division of Combustion Physics, Lund University / Dept. of Physics, Sweden
4 OWI Oel-Waerme-Institut GmbH, OWI Oel-Waerme-Institut GmbH affiliated to RWTH Aa, Germany
5 Combustion Technology, University of Technology Eindhoven, Netherlands
flame speed measurements of multicomponent Jet A1 and LUCHE kerosene
surrogate fuels in elevated pressure and temperature conditions
Yi Wu 1;
Vincent Modica 2;
Frédéric Grisch 3
1 Normandie Université, CNRS-Université, CORIA -UMR 6614- INSA de Rouen, France
2 Normandie Université,CNRS université , UMR 6614 CORIA Insa de Rouen, France
3 Normandie Université,cnrs université, UMR 6614 CORIA Insa de Rouen, France
Positive Ion Measurements in Premixed Methane-Oxygen Flames
Awad Alquaity 1;
Nadim Hourani 2;
May Chahine 2;
Hatem Selim 2;
S. Mani Sarathy 2;
Aamir Farooq 1
1 Clean Combustion Research Center, Mechanical Engineering, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
2 Clean Combustion Research Center, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
Distinguishing reactive isomers in premixed laminar low-pressure flames by using PEPICO spectroscopy
Thomas Bierkandt 1;
Patrick Hemberger 2;
Patrick Oßwald 3;
Markus Köhler 3;
Erdal Akyildiz 4;
Andras Bodi 2;
Thomas Gerber 2;
Tina Kasper 4
1 Institute of Combustion and Gas Dynamics, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
2 Molecular Dynamics Group, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
3 Institute of Combustion Technology, German Aerospace Center, Germany
4 Institute for Combustion and Gas Dynamics, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
The chemical structure of low pressure premixed flames fired by iso-butanol / 1,3-butadiene mixtures
Marina Braun-Unkhoff 1;
Trupti Kathrotia 1;
Nils Hansen 2
1 Institute of combustion Technology, DLR, Germany
2 Combustion Research Facility, Sandia National Laboratories, United States
Comparative study between transverse and longitudinal acoustic modes on a premixed V-shape flame
Marcos Cáceres 1;
Françoise Baillot 1 ; Florian Lespinasse 1;
Eric Domingues 1
1 Experimental Combustion, CORIA Laboratory, France
Study on the influence of ethanol addition on exhaust gas composition and soot formation in iso-octane flames
Isabel Frenzel 1;
Dimosthenis Trimis 2
1 Institute of Thermal Engineering, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
2 Engler-Bunte-Institute, Div. of Comb. Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Photoionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry studies on iron pentacarbonyl-doped hydrogen/oxygen flat flames
Sebastian Kluge 1;
Thomas Bierkandt 2;
Irenäus Wlokas 2;
Tina Kasper 2;
Hartmut Wiggers 1;
Christof Schulz 1
1 Institute for Combustion and Gas Dynamics – Reactive Fluids, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
2 Institute for Combustion and Gas Dynamics, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Experimental studies and kinetic modeling of ethyl valerate: flat flame structures and laminar burning velocities
Haddy Mbuyi Katshiatshia 1;
Elna Nilsson 2;
Veronique Dias 1;
Hervé Jeanmart 1;
Alexander Konnov 2
1 Institute of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engine, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
2 Div. of Combustion Physics, Lund University, Sweden
The revealing of regularities of the hydrocarbon combustion kinetics via the structure of a laminar flame front
Iurii Kryzhanovskyi 1
1 Department of Combustion Engineering, Research Center "EcoEnergoComplex", Ukraine
Analysis of lift-off height and structure of n-heptane tribrachial flames in laminar jet configuration
Stefano Luca 1;
Fabrizio Bisetti 1
1 Clean Combustion Research Center, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
Detailed Comparison of the Combustion Chemistry of two Pentanol Isomers
Arnas Lucassen 1;
Sungwoo Park 2;
S. Mani Sarathy 2;
Nils Hansen 3
1 Deptarment 3.3 Thermophysical Properties, Physikalisch technische Bundesanstalt, Germany
2 Clean Combustion Research Center , King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
3 Combustion Research Facility, Sandia National Laboratories, United States
chemistry of alkane-rich gasoline fuels and a surrogate using
photoionization mass spectrometry: I. Primary reference fuel
Hatem Selim 1;
Arnas Lucassen 2;
Nils Hansen 2;
S. Mani Sarathy 1
Clean Combustion Research Center (CCRC), King Abdullah University
of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia ;
2 Combustion Research Facility, Sandia National Laboratories, United States
Super-adiabatic flame temperatures in premixed methane-oxygen flames
Björn Stelzner 1;
Christof Weis 2;
Peter Habisreuther 2;
Nikolaos Zarzalis 2;
Dimosthenis Trimis 2
1 Engler-Bunte-Institue, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
2 Engler-Bunte-Institute, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
An experimental and detailed chemical kinetic investigation of the addition of C2 oxygenated
species in rich ethylene premixed flames
Zisis Malliotakis 1;
Nicolas Leplat 2; George Vourliotakis 1;
Christos Keramiotis 1;
George Skevis 3;
Maria A. Founti 1;
Jacques Vandooren 2
1 School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de la Combustion, Université
Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium ;
3 APTL, Chemical Processes & Energy Resources Inst., Centre for
Research and Technology Hellas, Thessal, Greece ;
Nonlinear Themoacoustic In/Stability of a Rijke Tube with a Distributed Heat Source
Xiaochuan Yang 1;
Ali Turan 1;
Shenghui Lei 2
1 School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
2 Thermal Management Research Group, Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent, Ireland
Experimental and numerical investigation of extinction strain rates of coal devolatilization products under oxy-fuel conditions.
Martina Baroncelli 1;
Stephan Kruse 1;
Heinz Pitsch 1
1 Institute for Combustion Technology, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
The bifurcation phenomenon in lifted diffusion flame under acoustic excitation
Victor Golub 1
1 Department of Physical Gasdynamics s, Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Federation
Influence of detailed chemical mechanisms in the simulation of laminar and turbulent DME flames
Sandra Hartl 1;
Sebastian Popp 1;
Axel Zschutschke 1;
Christian Hasse 1
1 Department of Numerical Thermo Fluid Dynamics, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
Numerical investigation of unsteady laminar methane/LOx flamelet at supercritical pressures
Pasquale Eduardo Lapenna 1;
Pietro Paolo Ciottoli 1;
Francesco Creta 1 ; Mauro Valorani 1
1 Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Rome , Italy
Autoignition and Extinction of Mixtures of Ethanol and Dimethyl Ether
Alexandra Loukou 1;
Johannes Reiter 2;
Ryan Gehmlich 2;
Christian Hasse 3;
Dimosthenis Trimis 4 ; Ernst Pucher 5;
Kalyanasundaram Seshadri 2
1 Institute of Thermal Engineering, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
2 Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California at San Diego, United States
3 Chair of Numerical Thermo-Fluid Dynamics, ZIK Virt, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
4 Engler-Bunte-Institute, Division of Combustion Technology,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
5 Institute for Powertrains and Automotive Technolog, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Experimental Study On Laminar Lifted Methane Jet Flame Diluted With Nitrogen And Helium
Narayan Sapkal 1;
Won June Lee 1;
Jeong Park 1;
Oh Boong Kwon 1
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pukyong National University, Republic Of Korea
Direct numerical prediction of OH-LIF Signals in the simulation of a laminar partial oxidation flame
Franziska Hunger 1;
Björn Stelzner 2;
Dimosthenis Trimis 3;
Christian Hasse 1
1 Department for Energy Process Engineering and Chem, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
2 Engler-Bunte-Institue, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
3 Engler-Bunte-Institute, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
A Study on Comparison of Lewis-number-induced with Buoyancy-driven Self-excitations in Laminar Lifted Coflow-Jet Flames.
Gyu Ho Van 1;
Wonjune Lee 1;
Jeong Park 1; Jin Han Yun 2;
Sang In Keel 2; Minkuk Kim 2; Sang Min Lee 2;
1 Dep. of Mechanical Engineering, Pukyong National University , Republic Of Korea
Environment & Energy Research Division, Korea Institute of
Machinery and Materials, Republic Of Korea
Investigation of mass and energy coupling between soot particles and gas species in modelling counterflow diffusion flames
Leonardo Zimmer 1;
Fernando M. Pereira 1;
Jeroen A. Van Oijen 2;
Laurentius P. H. De Goey 2
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Propagation Speed and Wrinkling of Spherically Expanding Hydrogen/Air Flames: Asymptotical and Experimental Investigation
Joachim Beeckmann 1;
Raik Hesse 1;
Stephan Kruse 1;
Norbert Peters 1;
Heinz Pitsch 1;
Moshe Matalon 2
1 Institute for Combustion Technology , RWTH Aachen University, Germany
2 Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of Illinois, United States
diffusion effects for laminar flame in a co-flow mixing layer with
widely varying Lewis number and Lewis numbers greater than unity.
David Bhatt 1;
Satyanarayan Chakravarthy 1
1 Dept. of Aerospace Engg, Indian Institute of technology Madras, India
Simulating kerosene/air flames with hybrid transported-tabulated chemistry
Bastien Duboc 1; Pascale Domingo 1 ; Guillaume Ribert 1
1 CORIA, France
Effects of inert gases on NOx formation in the conventional burner
Igor Hudak 1;
Petr Belohradsky 1;
Pavel Skryja 1
Institute of Process and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech
Probability of hotspot ignition in turbulent hydrogen-air mixtures using Direct Numerical Simulations
Gábor Janiga 1;
Gordon Fru 1;
Abouelmagd Abdelsamie 1;
Dominique Thévenin 1
1 Laboratory of Fluid Dynamics and Technical Flows, University of Magdeburg, Germany
Experimental characterization of fuel droplet temperature in a spray jet flame
Antoine Verdier 1;
Bruno Renou 1;
Alexis Vandel 1;
Sawitree Saengkaew 1;
Gilles Cabot 1;
Gérard Gréhan 1;
Mourad Boukhalfa 1
Experimental Analysis of combustion, CORIA (COmplexe de Recherche
Interprofessionnel en Aérothermochimie), France ;
Poster session 4
Schlieren measurements of the pressure wave induced by low energy electrical discharges
Stefan Essmann 1;
Detlev Markus 1;
Ulrich Maas 2
1 Explosion Protection in Energy Technology, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany
2 Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
of a stand-alone PDF method to investigate the ignition of propane/air
and hydrogen/air mixtures by unsteady turbulent jets
Asghar Ghorbani 1;
Simon Fischer 2;
Gerd Steinhilber 2;
Detlev Markus 3;
Ulrich Maas 2
1 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Germany
2 Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
3 Flame Transmission Processes, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Germany
Impact of hydrogen content on explosion overpressures in syngas
Tao Li 1;
Fabian Hampp 1;
R. Peter Lindstedt 1
1 Department of mechanical engineering, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Explosion of C2H4-N2O-N2 in Elongated Closed Vessels
Codina Movileanu 1;
Domnina Razus 1;
Maria Mitu 1;
Venera Giurcan 1;
Dumitru Oancea 2
1 Chemical kinetics, Ilie Murgulescu Institute of Physical Chemistry, Romania
2 Physical Chemistry, University of Bucharest, Romania
Ignition of nitromethane+O2+N2 in a shock tube
Jenny Naucler 1;
Yang Li 2;
Elna J. K. Nilsson 1;
Alexander A. Konnov 1;
Henry J. Curran 2
1 Departement of Combustion Physics, Lund University, Sweden
2 Combustion Chemistry Centre, National University of Ireland, Ireland
Evaluation strategies for LIF-based measurements of the mixing field in a transient free jet
Franziska Seitz 1;
Robert Schießl 1;
Detlef Markus 2
1 ITT, KIT, Germany
2 PTB, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Germany
Adamu Alfazazi 1;
O. A. Kuti 1;
S. Mani Sarathy 1
Clean Combustion and Research Center, King Abdullah University of
Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia
A novel plasma test rig for auto-ignition studies of turbulent non-premixed flows
Felix Eitel 1;
Jhon Pareja 1;
Dirk Geyer 2;
Andreas Dreizler 1
1 Mechanical Engineering, TU Darmstadt, Germany
2 Mechanical Engineering, Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany
Ignition at sub-millimeter sized hot particles
David Roth 1;
Thomas Häber 1;
Henning Bockhorn 1;
Pratyush Sharma 2;
Robert Schiessl 2;
Ulrich Maas 2
Engler-Bunte-Institute, Division of Combustion Engineering,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany ;
2 Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Numerical investigation of hydrogen-air mixtures ignition near lean flammability limit
Mikhail Ivanov 1;
Alexey Kiverin 1;
Anna Smygalina 1
Department of Combustion and Thermal Processes, Joint Institute
for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian
Experimental study and theoretical analysis of a ‘strange wave’ behavior
Jorge Yanez 1;
Mike Kuznetsov 1;
Alexander Lelyakin 1
1 Institute for Nuclear and Energy Technologies, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
An Effect of Detailed Chemistry on Flame Acceleration and Detonation Preconditioning
Mike Kuznetsov 1;
Jorge Yanez 1;
Alexander Lelyakin 1
1 Institute for Nuclear and Energy Technologies, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Numerical Investigation into Fast Deflagration and Its Transition to Detonation in Smooth Tube
Weiming Liu 1
1 Centre for Research in Fire and Hazards Science, University of Central Lancashire , United Kingdom
Coupled simulations of turbulent flame and pyrolysis of combustible material
Alexander Snegirev 1;
Ekaterina Kokovina 1
; A. Tsoy 1
1 Fluid Dynamics (Thermal Physics), St-Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russian Federation
Reduced Scale Experimental Study on Square/Rectangle n-Heptane Pool Fires in Tunnels
Uluc Yamali 1;
Sina Shafee 1
; Ahmet Yozgatligil 1
1 Mechanical Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Flame Spread Behaviors over inclined Polyethylene insulated Electrical Wire with AC Electric Field
Seungjae Lim 1;
Minkuk Kim 2;
Jeong Park 3;
Osamu Fujita 4;
Sukho Chung 5
1 Interdisciplinary Program of Biomechanical Engineering, Pukyong National University, Republic Of Korea
Environmental and Energy System Research Division, Korea
Institute of Machinery and Materials, Republic Of Korea ;
3 Mechanical Engineering, Pukyong National University, Republic Of Korea
4 Division of Mechanical & Science, Hokkaido University, Japan
5 Clean Combustion Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Republic Of Korea
experimental and numerical investigation of externally venting flames
developing in an under-ventilated fire compartment-façade configuration
Eleni-Marina Asimakopoulou 1;
Dionysios Kolaitis 1;
Maria Founti 1
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Validation of Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS) for pool fire in large enclosure
Matteo Pachera 1;
Pierfrancesco Brunello 1
; M. Raciti Castelli 2
1 Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova, Italy
1 Department of Management and Engineering, University of Padova, Italy
Combustion experiments in reduced gravity space environment using 1second drop tower and the challenges faced.
Manu N.M. 1;
Arjun B.J. 1;
Amit Kumar 1;
Muruganandam T.M. 1
1 Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
investigation of soot formation and radiative heat tranfer in ethylene
microgravity laminar boundary layer diffusion flames.
Jorge Contreras 1;
J.l. Consalvi 2;
A. Fuentes 3;
F. Liu 4
1 IUSTI/UMR CNRS 7343 , Aix-Marseille Université, France
2 IUSTI/UMR CNRS 7343, Aix-Marseille Université, France
3 Departamento de Industrias, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
4 Measurement Science and Standards, National Research Council of Canada, Canada
Progress Towards a Validated Cantera-based Turbulent Flame Speed Solver
Eoin Burke 1;
Alessandro Singlitico 2;
Anibal Morones 3;
Eric L. Petersen 3;
Felix Guthe 4;
Birute Bunkute 4;
Raymond L. Speth 5;
Rory F. D. Monaghan 2
1 Mechanical Engineering, NUI Galway, Ireland
2 Combustion Chemistry Centre, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, United States
4 GSTRB, Alstom Power, Switzerland
5 Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States
Impact of nanosecond repetitively pulsed electric discharges on the ignition of methane-air mixture
Maria Castela 1,2;
B Fiorina 1,2;
A Coussement 1,2;
O Gicquel 1,2;
N Darabiha 1,2 ; C. O. Laux 1,2
1 Lab. EM2C, Ecole Centrale Paris, France
2 CNRS, Chatenay-Malabry, France
A-priori Direct Numerical Simulation assessment of sub-grid scale stress tensor closures for turbulent premixed combustion
Markus Klein 1;
Christian Kasten 1;
Yuan Gao 2;
Nilanjan Chakraborty 2
1 Department of Aerospace Engineering, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany
2 Mechanical and Systems Engineering, Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Flame Structure Analysis for Turbulent Lean Premixed Spherical Flames at Elevated Pressure Levels
Ranga Dinesh 1;
H Shalaby 1;
K.h Luo 2;
D Thevenin 3
1 Faculty of Engineering and the Environment , University of Southampton, United Kingdom
2 Mechanical Engineering, University College London, United Kingdom
3 Fluid Dynamics and Technical Flows, University of Magdeburg "Otto von Guricke", Germany
Influence of Preferential Diffusion in Turbulent Lean Premixed Hydrogen-Rich Syngas Spherical Flames at Elevated Pressure
Ranga Dinesh 1;
H Shalaby 1;
K.h Luo 2;
D Thevenin 3
1 Faculty of Engineering and the Environment , University of Southampton, United Kingdom
2 Mechanical Engineering, University College London, United Kingdom
3 Fluid Dynamics and Technical Flows, University of Magdeburg "Otto von Guricke" , Germany
Differential diffusion effects in FGM context for premixed LES of hydrogen blended fuels
A. Samim Doost 1;
Anja Ketelheun 2;
Amsini Sadiki 2;
Johannes Janicka 2
1 Institute of Energy and Power Plant Technology, Germany
2 , Institute of Energy and Power Plant Technology, Germany
Systematic Investigation of Premixed Methane Impinging Flames
Jin Fu 1;
C.w. Leung 1;
Zuohua Huang 2;
C.S.Cheung 1;Yang Zhang 3
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering , Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
2 Combustion and Spray Laboratory , Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK
Detailed studies on turbulent premixed lean flames using
combined 1D-Raman and OH-LIF
Anatoly Goldman 1;
Siddharth Marathe 1;
Robert Schiessl 1;
Ulrich Maas 1
1 Institut für Technische Thermodynamik (ITT), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Statistical Multi-Fluid Description of Combustion Regime Transitions
Fabian Hampp 1;
R. Peter Lindstedt 1
1 Mechanical Engineering Department, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of turbulent kinetic energy transport in head on quenching of turbulent premixed flames
Lai Jiawei 1;
Nilanjan Chakraborty 1
1 Mechanical and System Engineering, Newcastle University, United Kingdom
The effect of the flame shape on pollutant emission of premixed burner
Viktor Józsa 1;
Attila Kun-Balog 1
1 Department of Energy Engineering, Budapest University of Technology, Hungary
Thermal structure of turbulent premixed and stratified methane/air flames
M. Mustafa Kamal 1;
R. Zhou 1; B. Coriton 2; J. Frank 2; Simone Hochgreb 1
1 Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
2 Sandia National Laboratories, California, USA
Effects of Hydrocarbon Fuel Structure on Experimental Laminar & Turbulent Burn Rates
A.A. Burluka 1;
R.G. Gaughan 2;
J.F. Griffiths 3;
Harry Mandilas 1,5;
C.G.W. Sheppard 1;
R. Woolley 4
1 School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
2 Paulsboro Technical Center, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company, United States
3 School of Chemistry, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
4 Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom ;
5 Aerosol and Particles Laboratory (APTL), Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), Greece
Characteristics of Turbulent Piloted Flames with Different Levels of Stratification
Assaad Masri 1;
Mrinal Juddoo 1
1 Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, The University of Sydney, Australia
Lewis Number and Markstein Length Effects on Turbulent Expanding Flames in a Spherical Vessel
Pierre Berquigny 1;
Fabien Halter 2;
Thomas Dubois 3;
Christine Mounaim-Rousselle 1
1 Laboratoire PRISME, University of Orléans, France
2 ICARE Orléans, CNRS, France
3 MArketing and Services, TOTAL, France
Linear stability analysis of turbulent swirling combustor flows: impact of flow field and flame shapes on the PVC
Kilian Oberleithner 1;
Michael Stöhr 2;
Seong Ho Im 2;
Christian Oliver Paschereit 3
1 Institut of Fluid Dynamics and Technical Acoutstics, Tu Berlin, Germany
2 Institute of Combustion Technology, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
Mechanical Engineering and Transport Systems, Institut of Fluid
Dynamics and Technical Acoutstics, Tu Berlin, Germany
study of the structure of the lean two-dimensional
hydrogen-methane-air Bunsen flame tip with implications to turbulent flames
Yuriy Shoshin 1;
Alexey Sepman 2;
Philip De Goey 1;
Anatoli Mokhov 3;
Howard Levinsky 3
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
2 , Energy Technology Centre, Piteå, Sweden
3 Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Redistribution and Dilatation Effects in Turbulent Premixed Opposed Jet Flames
Lu Tian 1;
Peter Lindstedt 1
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Flame stretch and flow patterns induced by Darrieus-Landau instability on a turbulent premixed flame
Guido Troiani 1;
Francesco Creta 2
1 Sustainable Combustion Laboratory, ENEA C.R. Casaccia, Italy
2 Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy
analysis and application of dynamic mode decomposition to
acoustic-modes identification and damping in a SGT-100 DLE combustion
Abdallah Abou-Taouk 1;
Suresh Sadasivuni 2;
Daniel Lörstad 3;
G. Bulat 2 ; Lars-Erik Eriksson 1
1 Department of Applied Mechanics / Division of Fluid Dynamics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
2 PO Box 1, Waterside South, Lincoln, LN5 7FD, Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery Ltd, United Kingdom
3 Combustion, Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB, Sweden
Modelling of soot formation in a turbulent diffusion flame using a comprehensive CFD-PBE model with full chemistry
Petros Akridis 1;
Stelios Rigopoulos 1
1 Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College of London, United Kingdom
Investigation of the impact of imposed air inlet velocity oscillations
on Soot Formation and Oxidation using an advanced 2-Colour-TIRE-LII
Aleksandar Aleksandrov 1;
Henning Bockhorn 1
1 Engler-Bunte-Institute, Division of Combustion Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Investigation of small scale turbulence statistics in nonpremixed turbulent jet flames via DNS
Antonio Attili 1;
Fabrizio Bisetti 1
1 Clean Combustion Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
An experimental investigation on dynamics of turbulent non-premixed swirling oxygen-enriched flames
Nazim Merlo 1;
Toufik Boushaki 2;
Christian Chauveau 1;
Iskender Gökalp 1
1 CNRS, ICARE, France
2 CNRS ICARE, France
Coupling turbulence modeling in a hybrid LES/RANS PDF method for non-premixed flames
Federica Ferraro 1;
Yipeng Ge 1;
Michael Pfitzner 1
Department of Aerospace Engineering - Institute for
Thermodynamics, University of the federal armed Forces
Munich, Germany
The role of Acoustic Reynolds Stress in the Flame-Acoustic Coupling of Combustion Instability in a dump combustor
Balaji Chellappan 1 ; Satya Narayanan Chakravarthy 2; Ashwin Kannan 2
1 Aerospace Engineering, Metacomp Technologies Private Limited, India
2 Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
Spray ignition behaviour of n-hexane in subcritical and supercritical environments
Łukasz Kapusta 1;
Jakub Czajka 2;
Ireneusz Pielecha 2; Andrzej Teodorczyk 1 ;
Krzysztof Wisłocki 2
1 Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
2 Faculty of Machines and Transport, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Analysis and implementation of large eddy simulation in CFD based simulation of confined high swirling flames
Marko Klančišar 1;
Tim Schloen 1;
Matjaž Hriberšek 2 ; Niko Samec 2
1 Research and Development, Max Weishaupt GmbH, Germany
2 Faculty of mechanical engineering, University of Maribor, Slovenia
line Raman/Rayleigh measurements for mixture fraction determination in
turbulent, partially premixed slot burner flames
Stephan Kruse 1;
Emilien Varea 1;
Ayman M. Elbaz 2; Mohy M. Mansour 3;
Gerd Grünefeld 4;
Heinz Pitsch 1
1 RWTH Aachen University, Institute for Combustion Technology, Germany
2 King Abdullah University of Science and Technol, Clean Combustion Research Center, Saudi Arabia
3 The American University in Cairo, Mechanical Engineering Department, Egypt ;
4 RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, Germany
A fuel mapping strategy for unsteady injection processes within the representative interactive linear eddy model (RILEM)
Tim Lackmann 1;
Alan Kerstein 2;
Michael Oevermann 3
1 Department Applied mechanics, Chalmers University, Sweden
2 Consultant, Consultant, United States
3 Department of Applied mechanics, Chalmers University, Sweden
A comparative numerical simulation study of turbulent non-premixed CO/H2/N2 syngas jet flames
Michał Lewandowski 1;
Jacek Pozorski 1
1 Group of Multiphase Flows, Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery PAS, Poland
of combustion regime on localised forced ignition of turbulent
homogeneous mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis
Dipal Patel 1;
Nilanjan Chakraborty 1
1 School of Mechanical and System Engineering, Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Analysis of Turbulent Flame Propagation in Equivalence Ratio-Stratified Flow
Edward Richardson 1;
Jacqueline H Chen 2
1 Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
2 Combustion Research Facility, Sandia National Laboratories, United States
Mixing Dynamics and Scalar Dissipation Rate in Split-Injection Gaseous Jets
Dong-Hyuk Shin 1;
Edward Richardson 1
1 Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Joint-scalar transported PDF modelling of soot in a turbulent diffusion flame
Marcus A. Schiener 1
; R. P. Lindstedt 1
1 Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
(mis)alignment of diffusive fluxes in turbulent combustion: DNS
analysis and treatment in the Reaction-Diffusion Manifold (REDIM) model
Robert Schießl 1;
Viatcheslav Bykov 1;
Ulrich Maas 1
; A. Abdelsamie 2
; D. Thévenin 2
1 ITT, KIT, Germany
2 ISUT, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany
Experimental study on combustion process of non-standard gaseous fuels in turbulent flames
Rafal Slefarski 1;
Joanna Jojka 1
1 Laboratory of Gas Technology, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Analysis of MMC mixing model using DNS of an evolving double shear layer with extinction and reignition
Son Vo 1;
Oliver Stein 1;
Andreas Kronenburg 1;
Matthew J. Cleary 2
1 Institut fuer Technische Verbrennung, ITV, University of Stuttgart, Germany
2 School of Aerospace, Mechanical & Mechatronic Eng., The University of Sydney, Australia
Identification of the dynamics of technically premixed flames as multiple-input, single-output system from LES
Ahtsham Ulhaq 1;
Camilo Silva 1;
Wolfgang Polifke 1
1 Institute of Thermodynamics, Technical University Munich, Germany
Simulation of Partial Oxidation Process by using Flamelet/Progress Variable Approach
Michele Vascellari 1;
Hongbin Xu 1;
Sandra Hartl 1;
Christian Hasse 1
1 Chair of Numerical Thermo-Fluid Dynamics, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
Modeling Heat Loss Effects in Oxy Fuel Flames with a Multidimensional Non-Premixed Flamelet Approach
Patrick Wollny 1;
Bernd Rogg 2;
Andreas Kempf 1
1 Fluid Dynamics, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany
2 Fluid Mechanics, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Characterization of the Reaction Zone Structures in a Laboratory Combustor using Optical Diagnostics
Bo Zhou 1;
Mario Costa 2;
Zhongshan Li 1;
Marcus Aldén 1
1 Division of Combustion Physics, Lund University, Sweden
2 Mechanical Engineering Department, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Methodology for theoretical screening of the efficiency of halogenated inhibitors of hydrogen-air flames
Ivan Zaev 1;
Marina Strelkova 2;
Boris Potapkin 2;
Michail Bryukov 2
1 Reactive fluid dynamics, Kintech Lab Ltd., Russian Federation
2 Chemical and plasma-chemical kinetics, Kintech Lab Ltd., Russian Federation
Abou Bâ 1;
Armelle Cessou 1;
Xavier Paubel 2;
David Honore 1
1 Experimental combustion, UMR6614-CORIA , France
2 AirLiquide R&D, AirLiquide , France
Experimental and numerical studies of hydrogen enrichment impact on a non-adiabatic confined swirled flame
Renaud Mercier 1;
Thibault Guiberti 1;
Laurent Zimmer 1;
Daniel Durox 1;
Olivier Gicquel 1;
Nasser Darabiha 1;
Thierry Schuller 1;
Benoit Fiorina 1
1 EM2C laboratory, Ecole Centrale Paris, France
Impact of magnetic fields on the stability of non-premixed sooting flames
Agnes Jocher 1;
Heinz Pitsch 2;
Thomas Gomez 3;
Jérôme Bonnety 3;
Guillaume Legros 3
1 Institute for Combustion Technology, RWTH Aachen, Germany
2 Institute for Combustion Technology, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
3 CNRS, UMR 7190 Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert, Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ. Paris 06, France
A comparison of the structure of N2 and CO2 diluted CH4/O2 premixed flames in a swirled combustor
Paul Jourdaine 1,2,3;
Clément Mirat 1,2;
Jerome Beaunier 1,2;
Youssef Joumani 3; Thierry Schuller 1,2
1 Ecole Centrale Paris, France
2 CNRS, EM2C, France
3 Combustion, Air Liquide, France
High speed Diagnostics of Blow out precursors in a plate stabilized flame
Arun Kochuparampil 1;
Muruganandam T M 1
1 Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Madras,India, India
Approach to evaluate statistical measures of the thermo-acoustic instability properties of premixed burners
Viktor Kornilov 1;
Philip De Goey 1
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering , Technical University of Eindhoven, Netherlands
Impact of the air-side and methane-side dilution (CO2, N2, Ar) on the lifting process of a non-premixed jet-flame
Yohan Manuel Marin Ospina 1; Françoise Baillot 1 ; Gilles Godard 1
1 Experimental Combustion , CORIA, France
Flame Oscillation and Extinction in Buoyancy-suppressed Methane-Air Non-premixed Counter Triple Co-flow Flame
Jinwook Park 1;
Jeong Park 2;
Oh Boong Kwon 1;
Jin-Han Yun 3;
Sang-In Keel 3
1 Interdisciplinary Program of Biomedical Engineerin, Pukyong National University, Republic Of Korea
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pukyong National University, Republic Of Korea
Environment & Energy Research Division, Korea Institute of
Machinery and Materials, Republic Of Korea
Numerical modeling of swirl-stabilized turbulent lean non-premixed flames
Teresa P. Santos 1;
Victor Mendoza 2;
Alvaro G. Escorial 1;
Francisco Castro 1
1 University of Valladolid, Spain
2 Universidad de Tarapaca, Chile
Experimental study of transient coupling of PVC formation and flame shape transition in a bi-stable turbulent swirl flame
Michael Stöhr 1;
Kilian Oberleithner 2;
Christoph M. Arndt 1;
Adam M. Steinberg 1,3;
Wolfgang Meier 1
1 Institute of Combustion Technology, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
2 Inst. für Strömungsmechanik und Technische Akustik, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
3 Institute for Aerospace Studies, University of Toronto, Canada
Poster session 5
Investigation of soot morphology and particle size distribution in a turbulent nonpremixed flame via Monte Marlo simulations
Ahmed Abdelgadir 1;
Marco Lucchesi 2;
Antonio Attili 1; Fabrizio Bisetti 1
1 Mechanical Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
2 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Universit`a `La Sapienza', Italy
Numerical modeling of soot formation in laminar axisymmetric ethylene-air coflow flames
at atmospheric and elevated pressures
Ahmed Abdelgadir 1;
Ihsan Allah Rakha 1;
Scott Steinmetz 1;
Antonio Attili 1;
Fabrizio Bisetti 1;
William Roberts 1
1 Mechanical Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
Laser induced incandescence investigation of radial soot distribution in atmospheric premixed sooting flames
Damien Boufflers 1,2;
Christopher Betrancourt 1,2;
Abderrahman El Bakali 1,2;
Xavier Mercier 1,2;
P. Desgroux 1,2
1 Université de Lille1, PC2A, France
2 CNRS, PC2A, France
Characterization of Airplane Soot Particles and Surrogates Using Laser
Desorption Ionization and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Cornelia Irimiea 1,2;
Y Carpentier 1;
I K Ortega 1;
M Ziskind 1;
A Faccinetto 2;
F. X. Ouf 3
; F. Salm 3
; D. Delhaye 4 ;D. Gaffié 4
; A. Bescond 5 ; J. Yon 5 ; E. Therssen 2 ; C. Focsa 1
1 UMR CNRS 8523, Université de Lille 1 Sciences et Technologies, France
2 UMR CNRS 8522, Université de Lille 1 Sciences et Technologies, France
3 Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), France
4 Onera – The French Aerospace Lab, F-91123 Palaiseau, France
5 CORIA, Normandie Université, CNRS, Saint Etienne du Rouvray, France
Chemical Characterization of Soot Particles Formed in Kerosene and Diesel Diffusion Laboratory Flames
Cornelia Irimiea 1;
Y Carpentier 2;
I K Ortega 2;
M Ziskind 2;
C Focsa 2;
A Faccinetto 3;
P Desgroux 3;
E Therssen 3
1 PhysicoChimie des Processus de Combustion et de l'Atmosphère, Universite Lille 1, France
2 PhLAM, Lille 1 University, France
3 PC2A, Lille 1 University, France
Evidence of nucleation flames : A valuable tool for the study of soot particles inception
Thomas Mouton 1;
Xavier Mercier 1 ; Pascale Desgroux 1
1 CNRS/Université de Lille1, PC2A, France
Sublimation temperature of soot in dependence on particle size and formation conditions
Alexander Eremin 1;
Evgeny Gurentsov 1;
Ekaterina Mikheyeva 2
Laboratory of Nonequilibrium processes, Joint Institute for High
Temperatures of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation
2 Joint Institute for High Temperatures of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation
and numerical study of rich methane/hydrogen/air laminar premixed
flames at atmospheric pressure: influence of hydrogen addition on soot
Amir Mze Ahmed Amir 1;
Pascale Desgroux 1;
Laurent Gasnot 1
; Abderrahman El Bakali 1
1 UFR Chimie-University Lille1, PC2A, France
An Eulerian bivariate soot model based on a method of moments
S. Salenbauch 1; Martin Pollack 1;
Alberto Cuoci 2;
Alessio Frassoldati 2;
Chiara Saggese 2;
Tiziano Faravelli 2;
Christian Hasse 1
1 Department of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
2 Dept. of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Eng., Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Effects of Large Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on the Soot Formation in Ethylene-Air Nonpremixed Flames.
Prabhu Selvaraj 1;
Paul G. Arias 1;
Yu Wang 1; Yang Gao 2;
Sungwoo Park 1;
Hong G. Im 1;
S. Mani Sarathy 1;
Suk Ho Chung 1;
Tianfeng Lu 2
1 Clean Combustion Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Connecticut, United States
Fully soot sheet characterization in a vertical wall-flame by Laser Induced Incandescence (LII)
Andres Valencia Correa 1;
Coppalle Alexis 1;
Martine Talbaut 1;
Gilles Godard 1;
Carole Gobin 1
1 Experimental Combustion, CORIA, France
Modeling the dehydrogenation of soot in laminar premixed flames with a multivariate soot particle description
Achim Wick 1;
Heinz Pitsch 1
1 Institute for Combustion Technology, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
A PAH growth mechanism and effect of alcohol addition on PAH formation in counterflow ethylene diffusion flames
Sungwoo Park 1;
Yu Wang 1;
Suk Ho Chung 1;
S. Mani Sarathy 1
1 Clean Combustion Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Microwave Interferometer for Shock Tube Chemi-ionization
Daniel C. Murphy 1;
Awad Alquaity 2;
Jie Han 2;
Aamir Farooq 2;
Fabrizio Bisetti 2
1 Combustion and Fire Processes Lab, The University of California Berkeley, Berkeley CA, United States
2 Clean Combustion Research Center, Mechanical Engineering, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
Experimental Study on Free Jet Flow with Applied Electric Fields
Gyeong Taek Kim 1;
Won June Lee 2;
Jeong Park 1;
Oh Boong Kwon 1
1 Mechanical Engineeing, Pukyong National University , Republic Of Korea
2 Interdisciplinary Program of Biomedical Engineerin, Pukyong National University , Republic Of Korea
Comparative shock-tube study of autoignition and plasma-assisted ignition of C2H2, C2H4, C2H6 and C2H5OH
Ilya Kosarev 1;
Svetlana Kindysheva 2;
Nickolay Aleksandrov 2; Andrey Starikovskiy 3
1 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Federation
2 Physics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Federation
3 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, United States
Pollutant emissions analysis of a natural gas gliding arc plasma assisted combustion system under fuel-rich condition
Roberto Varella 1;
Loreto Pizzuti 1;
Dener S. De Almeida 1;
Julio C. Sagás 1;
Cristiane A. Martins 1
1 Department of Aeronautics, Technical Institute of Aeronautics, Brazil
of oxygen excitation by a RF plasma discharge on the flow field of
atmospheric partially-premixed CH4/O2 and H2/O2 flames
Katharina Zähringer 1;
K. Pliavaka 1;
D. Thévenin 1
1 Lehrstuhl für Strömungsmechanik und Strömungstechnik, Universität Magdeburg, Germany
Effects of droplets on flame structure in premixed spray flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis
Daniel Wacks 1;
Nilanjan Chakraborty 1
1 Mechanical and Systems Engineering, Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Liquid jet breakup in homogeneous and isotropic turbulence without mean flow
Georgios Charalampous 1;
Pavlina Chounta 1;
Yannis Hardalupas 1
1 Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Combustion characteristics of n-heptane droplets in a horizontal small quartz tube
Junwei Li 1;
Rong Yao 1;
Zuozhen Qiu 1;
Ningfei Wang 1
1 School of Aerospace Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Flow fields and droplet dynamics of turbulent spray flames in curved-wall jet burner
Morkous Mansour 1;
Issam Alkhesho 1;
Gianfranco Scribano 1;
Hatsari Mitsudharmadi 1;
Fabrizio Bisetti 1;
Suk Ho Chung 1
Clean Combustion Research Center, King Abdullah University of
Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
Numerical Study of Rich Spray-Flames
Colette Nicoli 1;
Pierre Haldenwang 2;
Bruno Denet 3
1 M2P2, CNRS, France
2 M2P2, Aix-Marseille Université, France
3 IRPHE, Aix-Marseille Université, France
A stochastic modelling for LES of a two-phase combusting flow
W P Jones 1;
A J Marquis 1;
Dongwon Noh 1
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Eulerian Spray Modeling using a Method of Moments accounting for Evaporation and transient Droplet Heating
Martin Pollack 1;
Steffen Salenbauch 2;
Christian Hasse 2
1 Department of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
2 Dept. of Energy Process Engin. and Chemical Engin, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
A Computational Study of Micro-Droplet Dynamics in Water-Oil Emulsion Droplets
Jaeheon Sim 1;
Hong G. Im 1;
Suk Ho Chung 1
1 Clean Combustion Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
of Soot Structure in Spray Combustion Field with Bunker C Fuel Oil /
Crude Jatropha Oil Mixture using Simultaneous LII and PIV Measurement
Kazuki Tainaka 1;
Yong Fan 2;
Nozomu Hashimoto 1;
Hiroyuki Nishida 1
1 Energy Engineering Rsearch Laboratory, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan
The Influence of Particle Size and Swirl Intensities on Pulverized Petroleum Coke Combustion
Chunloon Cha 1;
Hoyeon Lee 1;
Pil Hyong Lee 1;
Sangsoon Hwang 1
1 Department of Mechanical System Engineering, Incheon National University, Republic Of Korea
Effect of exhaust gas recirculation and air staging on gaseous and particulate matter emissions in a domestic boiler
Ulisses Fernandes 1;
Henriques Mafalda 1 ;
Mário Costa 1
1 Mechanical Engineering Department, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Experimental and numerical studies of pulverized coal combustion in a strained flow configuration
Nasser Darabiha 1;
Philippe Scouflaire 2;
Meng Xia 2;
Benoit Fiorina 2
1 ECP-CNRS, France
2 EM2C, ECP-CNRS, France
A CFD-based approach for thermochemical conversion of straw
Andrea Dernbecher 1;
Fouzi Tabet 1;
Andreas Ortwein 1
1 Thermo-chemical conversion Department, Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gGmbH, Germany
The Effect of Equivalence Ratio on the Gasification of Torrefied and Un-Torrefied Biomass – Miscanthus x Giganteus
Marzena Kwapinska 1;
A. Hovart 2;
Gang Xue 2;
Witold Kwapinski 2;
L.P.L.M. Rabou 3;
S. Dooley 2; J.J. Leahy 2
1 Competence
Center for Biorefining and Bioenergy, University of Limerick, Ireland ;
2 Department of Chemical & Environmental Sciences, University of Limerick, Ireland
3 Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN), Biomass & Energy Efficiency, Petten, The Netherlands
Particle fragmentation during the last stages of pulverized coal combustion in a drop tube furnace
Nuno Barbas 1;
Ana Ferreira 1;
Mário Costa 1
1 Mechanical Engineering Department, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Contribution of Gas-phase Reaction to Heat Output from Smoldering Packed-bed of Dried Leaves
Yasunobu Inoue 1;
Masataro Suzuki 2
1 Tobacco science research center, Japan Tobacco Inc., Japan
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan
of surface energetic heterogeneity of microporous adsorbents on
adsorptive separation of CO2, CO, N2, and H2 from a
controlled-combustion of solid wastes
Moon Hyeon Kim 1;
Il Hum Cho 1;
Joung Ho Park 1;
Sang Ok Choi 2;
In Soo Lee 2
1 Department of Environmental Engineering, Daegu University, Republic Of Korea
2 Experiment & Research Team, Samsung-BP Chemicals Co. Ltd., Republic Of Korea
Analysis of combustion of briquette fuels in a circulating fluidized-bed
Monika Kosowska-Golachowska 1;
Tomasz Musial 1;
Agnieszka Kijo-Kleczkowska 1;
Krzysztof Wolski 1;
Katarzyna Środa 1
1 Institute of Thermal Machinery, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
Combustion of sewage sludge in a circulating fluidized-bed
Monika Kosowska-Golachowska 1;
Monika Kijo-Kleczkowska 1;
Katarzyna Środa 1;
Tomasz Musiał 1;
Krzysztof Wolski 1
1 Institute of Thermal Machinery, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
Experimental research on oxy-fuel combustion of biomass in a circulating fluidized-bed
Monika Kosowska-Golachowska 1;
Krzysztof Wolski 1;
Agnieszka Kijo-Kleczkowska 1;
Tomasz Musiał 1;
Katarzyna Środa 1
1 Institute of Thermal Machinery, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
Experimental and numerical study of pulverized lignite combustion in air and oxy-fuel conditions
Halina Pawlak-Kruczek 1;
Robert Lewtak 2;
Michal Ostrycharczyk 1
1 Department of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
2 Department of Thermal Processes, Institute of Power Engineering, Poland
High Speed Imaging of Single Particle Ignition Behavior of Biomass Fuels
Duarte Magalhães 1;
Miriam Rabaçal 1;
Mário Costa 1
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal
A novel approach for analyzing thermal properties of sewage sludges
Aneta Magdziarz 1;
Małgorzata Wilk 1;
Robert Straka 1
Faculty of Metal Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, AGH
University of Science and Technology, Poland
Dust explosion severity characteristics of Indonesian sebuku coal in oxy-fuel atmospheres
Frederik Norman 1;
Sepideh Hosseinzadeh 2;
Eric Van Den Bulck 2;
Jan Berghmans 1;
Filip Verplaetsen 1
1 Adinex N.V., Belgium
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium
Carbonyl compounds emission from modern wood combustion appliances: differences between masonry heater and pellet boiler
Ahmed Reda 1;
H. Czech 2;
J. Schnelle-Kreis 1;
O. Sippula 3;
R. Zimmermanna 2
1 Comprehensive Molecular Analytics, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany
2 University of Rostock, Institute of Chemistry, Germany
3 University of Eastern Finland, Department of Environmental Science, Finland
Stereoscopic Camera-Based Investigation of Pulverized Solid Fuel Combustion - particle temperature, shape and burning rates
Martin Schiemann 1;
Nikita Vorobiev 1
1 Department of Energy Plant Technology, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Direct numerical simulation of coal particle devolatilization and volatile combustion
Giovanni Luigi Tufano 1;
Oliver Stein 1;
Andreas Kronenburg 1;
Lei Deng 2;
Irenaeus Wlokas 2;
Andreas M. Kempf 2;
Michele Vascellari 3;
Christian Hasse 3;
1 Institut fuer Technische Verbrennung, ITV, University of Stuttgart, Germany
2 IVG, Chair for Fluid Dynamics, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
3 ZIK Virtuhcon, Energy Process & Chemical Eng., University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Numerical analysis and combustion control of Shenmu pulverized semi-coke
Guan-Fu Pan 1;
Zhi-Qiang Gong 1;
Zhi-Cheng Liu 1;
Hong-De Xia 1;
Zhen-Yu Tian 1
1 Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
The behavior of secondary pyrolysis products in oxy-coal flames
Pál Tóth 1;
Márton Aczél 1;
Teri Draper 2;
Eric G. Eddings 2
1 Department of Combustion and Thermal Energy, University of Miskolc, Hungary
2 Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Utah, United States
Experimental study on the combustion of Lithium particles in CO2 and CO2/N2 mixtures
Peter Fischer 1;
Martin Schiemann 1;
Viktor Scherer 1;
Günter Schmid 2 ; Dan Taroata 2
1 Department of Energy Plant Technology (LEAT), Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
2 Corporate Technology, Siemens AG, Germany
of Percolation Threshold of Structural Phase Transition in a Solid
Two-Component Propellant Mixture on Thermal Efficiency of Combustion
Chamber of a Rocket Engine
Sergey Futko 1;
Ivan Koznacheev 1;
Elena Ermolaeva 1
Chemical Physics Laboratory, Heat and Mass Transfer Institute,
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Belarus
Multi-scale simulation of turbulent two-phase flows induced by injection of fluid and particles
V. Emelyanov 1 ; Konstantin Volkov 2
1 Baltic State Technical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2 Centre for Fire and Explosion Studies, Kingston University, United Kingdom
Catalytic combustion of methane over hexaaluminates Ba1-xLaxAl11O19 supported on mullite honeycomb
Xiangbo Feng 1;
Zhiguo Qu 1
MOE Key Laboratory of Thermo-Fluid Science and Engineering, Energy and
Power Engineering School, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Transition state theory based semi-automatic generation of surface reaction mechanisms
Peter Kraus 1;
Peter Lindstedt 1
1 Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
characterisation of catalytic combustion with liquid hydrocarbons based
on temperature measurements and emission analysis
Lars Paesler 1
; Florian Schlösser 1
1 Combustion Technology, OWI Oel-Waerme-Institut, Germany
CVD synthesis of Cu2O films for catalytic combustion of VOCs
Guan-Fu Pan 1;
Shi-Bin Fan 1;
Jing Liang 1;
Yue-Xi Liu 1;
Zhen-Yu Tian 1
1 Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
investigation of the interaction of surface kinetics with transport
processes over catalytic surfaces by planar laser-induced fluorescence
Alexander Zellner 1;
Rainer Suntz 1;
Olaf Deutschmann 1
1 Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Experimental and numerical investigation of a novel non-catalytic reformer for methane partial oxidation
Sotiris Benekos 1;
Alexandra Loukou 2;
Isabel Frenzel 2;
George Skevis 3;
Maria Founti 1;
Dimosthenis Trimis 2
Laboratory of Heterogeneous Mixtures and Combustion Systems, School of
Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of
Athens, Greece ;
2 Institute of Thermal Engineering, TU-Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
Direct pore level simulation of premixed gas combustion in porous inert media using detailed chemical kinetics
Ilian Dinkov 1;
Peter Habisreuther 1;
Henning Bockhorn 1
Engler-Bunte-Institute, Division of combustion technology,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
of the inter-structural gap between the combustion zone and the flame
trap on the properties of the dual layer porous burners in operation
Vojislav Jovicic 1,2;
Eva Friedmann 1;
Christoph Regensburger 1;
Ana Zbogar-Rasic 1;
Antonio Delgado 1,2
1 Institute of Fluid Mechanics, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
2 Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT), Germany
Synthesis of titanium dioxide nanoparticles using a curved-wall burner with central port
Mohamed Ismail 1;
Morkous S. Mansour 1;
Nasir K. Memon 2;
Suk Ho Chung 1
Mechanical Engineering, Clean Combustion Research Center, King
Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
2 Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, Qatar Foundation, Qatar
Gold sponsor
Silver sponsors
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